Best of Street Art 2023 according to your “likes”!
16 January 2024This Best of Street Art 2023 is yours! It’s based solely on your “likes” when I post a photo on Instagram. I honestly didn’t think I’d do one this year, because I think it’s a bit out of date, but then I looked back at the previous years: 2020, 2021 and 2022 and I saw a certain evolution in your appreciations. The arrival of graffiti, with its emphasis on XXL walls, collage this year… And above all, I’m seeing more and more works in your top list that I haven’t necessarily selected from the articles published on the blog. I thought it would also be a good opportunity to pay tribute to the talented artists who contribute to my articles and delight our eyes by offering us a little of themselves… I won’t keep you waiting any longer… So here’s your best of Street Art 2023.
1. The Mediterranean Sea in the spotlight with Tetal and Tom Wild Sketch at La Seyne-sur-Mer
The sea is a recurring theme in La Seyne-sur-Mer, so it’s hardly surprising to find these old fishermen, who sometimes remind us of Ernest Hemingway‘s The Old Man and the Sea. What’s even more astonishing is to find two local artists at the top of the list, which suggests to me that it’s really important to continue this annual best of to highlight young artists!
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2. Stylerone90′s Camargue-style anamorphosis at La Seyne-sur-Mer
Joao Cavalheiro, aka Styler, is a Portuguese artist who likes to magnify nature. For some time now, he has been creating these hyper-realistic eyes, incorporating details of nature or the surrounding urban environment into the pupil’s reflection. Here, the eye is sublimated by a magnificent pink flamingo, the mascot of the Camargue countryside.
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3. Bordalo II‘s magically recycled rabbit in Porto
What a joy it was to finally see this huge Bordalo II rabbit located in Vila Nova de Gaia opposite Porto. I’ve seen so many photos of it since it was made in 2017 that I wasn’t sure what I was going to find. Made entirely from recycled materials, it has stood the test of time, taking on a delicate patina. It’s a mesmerising piece of work that’s a must-see if you’re heading to Porto!
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4. The wildest wall in Marseille
What a pleasure you’ve given me by enjoying this explosive wall! It’s got everything I love! Old style graffiti, characters, block letters and a complete mural… It’s vibrant and so representative of the dynamic city of Marseille! It features work by Mr Difuz, Stom500, Gamo_pm, Choofy, Rone1snk and many others…
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5.” Let the revolutionary springs rise” by RNST in Grenoble
I love the committed world of Dijon artist RNST. With his depiction of masked children, he highlights the most disadvantaged or oppressed populations. His muscular punchlines contribute to my appetite for his work, which I never tire of. His “Que se dressent les printemps révolutionnaires” takes me back to the Arab Spring, but also to the Carnation Revolution in Portugal…
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6. The hopeful work of Peter CTO Seaton photographed by Lou
I’m touched to find this gentle yet difficult work in this top list. I’m not going to comment on this conflict, or get involved in any controversy. I’m just grateful for the work done by Peter CTO Seaton, whose work aims to serve as a reflection of humanity and its many trials and tribulations. In the end, it reminds viewers that we are fundamentally one consciousness, despite the many factions that seem to separate us.
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7. Crey132‘s majestic elephant under construction in Pantin
I’ve been following Crey132‘s work for a few years now, as a quiet and often very vocal force… When I came across this work in progress, I instinctively recognised his touch, and as the elephant is his favourite animal, it was obvious to me that this early work was his. In front of this wise animal, I felt very small, like the child in the final work. To be seen at 27Pantin 😉
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8. Snake‘s modern Marianne at La Seyne-sur-mer
To be honest, I wasn’t expecting to see this new-generation Marianne make it into this Best of Street Art 2023… It was such a hit on social networks when it was created in January 2021 that I was sure everyone had already got bored of it by the time I shared it! But it must have that little “je ne sais quoi” extra that allows it to stand the test of time and still make a lasting impression.
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9. Emyart’s delicate lion in Marseille
The work of Emeline Mougeot aka Emyart’s is always delicate and precious. She often uses oil pastels – or a brush to achieve a pastel effect – which I love, to sublimate the faces of women on city walls. Marseille was the 1st time I’d seen one of her wild animals. I more than appreciated her transparent work, which lets this magnificent old door coexist with the king of the jungle! And I can see I’m not the only one 😉
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10. JR‘s incredible look photographed from a TGV window!
For years, friends and I have been trying to get the best possible shot of JR‘s gaze from a TGV window! The storm of 2021 seriously damaged JR‘s work, but he had the good sense to re-dress the digesters at the Seine Valenton plant, much to our delight. The hunt is on… On the Paris -> Lyon or Nîmes or Barcelona line, sit down in the direction of travel, on the right-hand side of the train, and get ready to shoot fast!
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11. The classic yet whimsical montage/collage by Les murs ont des oreilles in Paris
It was a real surprise to discover the collage by the young artist L’Oreille in this top. I wasn’t expecting it at all! I’ve shared multiple collages with you by Levalet, Madame and Combo Ck, and not a single one has made it into the top… I guess you’re just sensitive to the charm of this hijacking of classic works!
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12 . Zeklo Volio’s poetic flower portrait at Bessèges in the Cévennes
This was the 1st work of art I discovered when I arrived in Bessèges, at the gateway to the Cévennes. Created by Zeklo Volio, a child of the village, it is called “Histoires anciennes”. Imbued with nostalgia, it depicts a gentle woman surrounded by potato flowers, the motifs of which used to decorate old Cévennes plates.
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13. Power & Equality” collage by Shepard Fairey in Paris
This is the second collage in this top list… and not the least! Angela Davis represented by Shepard Fairey, an international artist who needs no introduction! For the record, Shepard was in Paris for a few days at the beginning of March 2023. He got in touch with his French graffiti friends, and in one night an incalculable number of well-known works were scattered around the capital… There’s not much left of his visit. Just a few photos…
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14. “La courbe”, a complex work by Monkeybird in Grenoble
It would seem that the Monkeybird duo are delighting in offering us works that are increasingly complex to decipher… just as complex as they are to create! These stencil goldsmiths invite us to enter a dreamlike, gothic, architectural and religious world, populated repeatedly by monkeys and birds… Their work could be described as a perpetual motion watchmaking extravaganza with a touch of haute joaillerie!
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15. “Notre dame de grâce II” by Zek156, Ankh_one and Etien in Grenoble
This may come as a surprise to you, but for me, as a Grenoble native, this fresco is certainly the one that most honours the city’s past and its industrial and architectural boom of the 1930s. It’s a fine tribute to a bygone era, and one that has been forgotten, because the city, having lived off concrete, has fallen into a certain obsolescence, leaving a few art deco monuments visible. Far from its ‘green’ and sporty image, this work is a brilliant reminder of the roaring twenties of a city smothered by mountains.
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16. A stencil portrait by Valérian in Marseille
Valérian is a French artist who now travels the world stencilling colourful faces on city walls. His portraits are reminders of the diversity that makes up the richness of our world. I’ve seen that he’s now tackling large formats… An artist to watch 😉
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17. Tito & Mulk‘s creative explosion in Bessèges
With Tito & Mulk, the crazy duo, you’re in for a real treat! They’re illustrators, cartoonists and creators of punchlines like “Creativity is intelligence having fun“. This duo brings a truly singular style to the French street art scene. Coming across one of their works in the somewhat forgotten village of Bessèges was an aesthetic shock for me! A bombshell that I’m delighted to find again in this top list!
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18. Swed‘s magnificent and very hidden Arlésienne in Arles
This splendid Arlesienne from Swed gave me a lot of trouble… Its location is really secret and sincerely you’ll never come across it by chance in the town of Arles! Yes, I’ve been looking for it for a few weeks and it was a last clue given by a local stencil artist that helped me find it… Happiness! The Arlésienne that never arrives… an amazing story when you consider that she is everywhere in the region, at all the ferias… If you ever find her, don’t reveal its location! Leave this magnificent Arlesian far away from the hustle and bustle and, above all, from any evil ideas that might spoil it!
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19. Another small-format portrait, this time of RNST in Marseille
It’s no surprise to find a new RNST portrait in this Best of street art 2023! He has a gift for alerting us to the deviancies and malaise of our society through his masked children. His works are hard-hitting, catching the eye, the spirit and, of course, the ‘likes’!
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20. A thoughtful portrait by OCM Vibration, Cours Julien, Marseille
I discovered the work of OCM Vibration in the streets of Marseille. And for good reason: he’s a local artist who has a gift for conveying emotions through his portraits… There’s joy, happiness, bewilderment, boredom, mistrust… everything that makes us living, vibrant beings… I’m delighted to find him in this Best of Street Art 2023, which I hope will give him the exposure he deserves!
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Is this Best Off Street Art 2023 like my year of urban escapades?
In 2020, this top was very New York with a touch of Parisianism. In 2021, Bayonne and Athens shared the honours. In 2022, the top began to be more varied, with Sète, Barcelona, Port de Bouc and Port Barcarès sharing the top spot with a few Parisian works. This year, the Top was almost entirely Franco-French in terms of geolocation. Fortunately, the magnificent work by Bordalo II in Porto made it almost European! Well, yes, these Tops resemble my urban escapades, but not really the feelings I had in each place… La Seyne-sur-Mer, for example, didn’t stir much emotion in me, and as for Marseille, I haven’t yet written an article about the city (it’ll be coming soon). In fact, this Best of Street Art 2023 resembles my year behind the scenes and my days, which are not the same as those published in the articles… It’s surprising and so nice to see that we don’t have the same tastes!

Ante el amor y ante la muerte, de nada sirve ser fuerte. – Rémi Tournier – Photo ©Altinnov
To round off 2023 in style, I’m going to end this retrospective with a work I stumbled across on the plains of the Upper Emporda in Catalonia. I drove past it about ten times, hands on the steering wheel and eyes glued to the road. In the distance I thought I saw an old advertising hoarding that had fallen into disuse. Then one day, driven by curiosity, I wandered down a small dirt track and discovered this magnificent work by Rémi Tournier (ex-duo Sismikazot). It was over 40 degrees, the heat was stifling and the work on a dilapidated trailer reminded me of the fishermen of my childhood summers in Calella de Palafrugell… I loved this discovery and I must admit that when I take this little road, I always stop there… like a ritual!
For 2024, I promise I’ll continue to be as eclectic as possible… so I’m putting on my trainers and off to discover what Girona in Spain has to offer!
See you soon for more Street Art adventures